Monday, May 19, 2008

Jeeping in Colorado

Camille and I visited Jerry and Sandra Baumann for several days prior to heading home to Wisconsin. Jerry and Sandra live in Durango, CO. Jerry lived next door to me when I was growing up and worked at IBM prior to retiring several years ago. Jerry and Sandra love to go jeeping in the mountains, snow skiing, white water rafting, hiking, etc. Colorado is a good place for their hobbies. As you can see from the picture there is lots of snow in the upper elevations. This road is north of Silverton, CO and we were going to see an old mining town at the start of Anamis River. There are many deserted mines that 100 years ago were going strong. The temperature at 11000 feet was about 45 degrees. The snow is melting and the streams are really flowing. Spring should hit the area by mid-June!!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Andrew's Graduation

It's great fun to have all of us together. Andrew looked very handsome in his cap and gown. Colorado has two graduation ceremonies for their graduates. The Engineering Dept. has a smaller ceremony where each of the graduates is named as they walk across the stage and a large ceremony for the entire school with the keynote speaker. We attended both and went out and celebrated each one. It was great fun and the fun isn't over yet!!

Hello Colorado

After too short time at home and a nice visit with Dad and Connie, we headed off to Colorado. We were picked up Michelle, Justin and Milly and headed to Nederland. Good thing we got used to driving on windy roads in North Carolina, the road to Nederland is very windy and scenic.

Goodbye, North Carolina

It was a sad day, the day we left and a happy day. One day closer to home and family and friends. We have spent the last few days enjoying having Leo and Dottie with us. Leo and Ralph finally got a day of golf in at Champion Hills. They ended up soaked, but happy. Dottie and I toured the waterfalls I knew the location of and spent a quiet afternoon reading.