Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Fireplace Stone

The fireplace is finally taking shape. They will start the hearth later this week when the weather turns from sunshine to rain. The interior doors were delivered today as well. We are storing them at our rental house since we are not ready to install them. Estimated date of install: mid-January. The last picture loaded (the first picture shown on the blog) is the concrete columns under the deck. We decided to have them faced with stone, rather than just leave bare concrete.

This will be the last post for 2009. We are spending the holidays in the Twin Cities, visiting family and friends. Hopefully there is lots of progress when we return in January, 2010!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Welcome !! Isla Anne Frys

Isla Anne Frys was born on November 30, 2009 at 10:45am. The proud parents, Michelle and Justin, told us the birth was "a piece of cake."

Isla weighed in at 6lb 15oz, and 20.5 inches. Michelle is doing great and plans on coming home on Wednesday morning.