Saturday, February 20, 2010

February Thaw

The temperature made it to 55 degrees today. The stone masons finished the front porch area and grouted the foyer and porch this afternoon. After bringing in another roofing contractor, we still have a leak around the fireplace. This is frustrating for everyone. We cannot proceed on the living room area (drywall, ceiling, and oak floors) until this problem is solved. The snow is finally melting and we may see some green grass in a week!

We also took a trip to Brights Creek GC this morning. This is a large (5000 acre) development that has very large plans. The area is about 35 miles southeast of where we live. The purpose of the trip was to see a house that one of the lighting suppliers furnished. We wanted to see the fixtures that we have picked out prior to placing the order. The water wheel is on a farm just east of the area.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Unwanted Excitement

Today we had our first real setback in building our home. A propane tank leaked around the valve and became a flame thrower. The painter called 911 and the fire department responded in six (6) minutes. The tank could have exploded and caused major damage, maybe even loss of life. Luckily the only thing that happened is some burnt wood, destroyed insulation and some destroyed wiring. We do have insurance, so the loss will not be great. The frustrating thing is the loss of time. This will set us back about two to three weeks, depending on getting the inspector to give us the go ahead to make the repairs after the insurance adjuster gives us his report. Here is a picture of some of the fire trucks that came to our house. Four in total, plus about 10 individuals.