Monday, March 29, 2010

Warmer Weather

With the weather starting to get back to normal, the subcontractors now want to work. Hooray!!

Last week the landscaper called and asked if he could start two weeks early. Since I hired this subcontractor, it was not only nice that he started early, but he also brought in a crew of five workers. They worked from 7:00am to 7:00pm. I asked my general contractor if his crews could keep the same hours!! I did not get a favorable response.

Here are some pictures of the landscaping and of the oak floor in the living/dining room area. The flooring crew started today and plan to finish by Wednesday at the latest. These floors are raw wood and will be sanded and finished in May.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Panthertown Valley Hike

The hiking group went to Pantertown Valley this week. This is a very scenic area near Lake Toxaway. Our leader for the hike was Chandler, who learned the trails from a old man who loved the area and developed many of the trails. The hike was a little more challenging because the area had had an ice storm this winter and many trees and branches had fallen across the trails. We also crossed the Green River a couple of times. We walked behind Schoolhouse Falls because the river was too deep to cross in the usual spot. Our lunch spot was Granny Burnell Falls. The trail to Holly Falls was very snowy, but worth the effort. A great finish to the 7 mile hike. Mom

Saturday, March 13, 2010

March 13 Update

Here is a picture of the living room with the ceiling installed. We still have to wrap the center beam, stain the trusses, and revarnish the cypress.
One of the lower bathrooms has been tiled. Once we have a sunny day, we will post a picture of how it turned out. By next weekend, we should have 75% of the tile work completed.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Daniel Ridge Trail

It was a beautiful day for a hike on Monday. The trail followed a stream and had great views through the trees to Looking Glass Mountain. We stopped for lunch at Jackson Falls.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Special Request

Michelle requested more pictures of the house. The following pictures show the backside (house is facing SW) of the house. Today was a perfect day. Temperature was in the low 60's, with the same forecast tomorrow. Rain comes in after Wednesday and that should melt the remaining snow on the ground. Mom saw some daffodils blooming on the way to church, so maybe Spring is right around the corner!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

House Update

Today is one of the nicer days this spring. The temperature is 57 degrees and I sealed the bluestone on the porch and foyer area. Michelle requested some updated photo's of the exterior, so I took a few. The ground around the house is still too muddy to walk around and take some other shots. Maybe tomorrow, since we are suppose to see 62 degrees! They may even open the driving range this week. The course is still covered with snow in the shady areas and I expect that the snow will disappear this week and the course open by the weekend.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

March Madness

A rare March snowstorm dumped over 6 inches of heavy, wet snow. It's pretty, but it looks like Minnesota or Wisconsin to us. So far this winter we have had snow on the ground since December 16th and it looks like this will stay around for another week.

Since the golf course opened in 1993, this is the longest number of days that it has been closed, due to snow. So much for global climate change.