Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Lady Slippers

I've been waiting for these Lady Slippers to bloom since I noticed them last summer. I thought they might be the same but one is much pinker. I found them along the edge of the yard. I'm glad they survived all the construction.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Easter

The sun returned today and it turned out to be a beautiful Saturday. Temperature is 77 F but somewhat windy. Tomorrow it is suppose to be
near 80 F and we are playing in a couples golf tournament. Regardless of how we do, there is a dinner afterwards at Rick and Bonnie Short's house, so
we are looking forward to a nice afternoon.

We wish everyone a blessed and great Easter !

Mom & Dad

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Happy Easter

I took some photos in the backyard this week. We had 4 inches of rain, but none of the really severe weather that made the news. Miss all of you and wish we were closer.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Drapes Arrive

Here are some pictures of our drapes and shades. The house looks completely different now that we have window coverings.

Drapes Arrive

We finally received our drapes today. The process started in November, 2010 and was finalized on April 12, 2011. The following pictures do not show off the drapes too well. The flash did not always work, since it was sunny outside.

Overall we are very pleased with the results. We have shades in some windows, and drapes everywhere else. The rooms seem very cozy, now that they the drapes are hung.

Dave & Melissa Come to NC

David and Melissa came to Hendersonville during Melissa's Spring Break. Unfortunately, the weather did not cooperate. We had a nice visit and look forward to going up to Lake Placid this summer to witness the Ironman tournament.