Sunday, July 15, 2012

March 3 Water Fall Trip

Here are some photos of our first trip to see some of the waterfalls in the Brevard area. Brevard is 25 miles SW of Hendersonville. First picture is of Looking Glass Falls, followed by Moore Cove Falls and Jackson Falls. Jackson Falls is over 150 feet in height.

Add'l Photo's of Furniture

After looking at the latest posting, I decided that better photo's were required.  

The foyer table and the benches were built by a local artisan.  The vase comes from a glass blower in Cannon Beach, Oregon.  Andrew, Mom and I witnessed the entire process, but we did not see the final product until it arrived in NC.  Even the glass blower did not know what it was going to look like due to the glass still in an liquid state when they put it is a controlled temperature oven to slowly reduce the temperature of the piece.

The benches have a interchangeable center table.  We used some of our left over tiles to create two different styles.  Mom plans on making some cushions, but the black walnut seats looks good all by itself.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Here's the new entry table with the glass vase from Oregon and my latest knitting project.  I didn't get a closer shot because the focus was off.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Dogwood Blooms Early

Spring came early to the mountains of North Carolina. The dogwood, which normally blooms at the end of April, started blooming last week. Friends who have lived here for over ten years say this is one of the earliest Springs on record. They have gotten snow in April, so we are keeping our fingers crossed that the nice weather continues.

Here is a pink dogwood tree in our backyard. They only last a week so we are enjoying the colors in the neighborhood.