Saturday, April 12, 2008

Bridal Veil Falls

Friday we drove to Brevard to see the white squirrels. The last time we were there we didn't see any. We also stopped at Looking Glass Falls to show Ed and Cindy. We hiked to Hookers Falls after lunch at the Dutch Cupboard restaurant in Etowah. The main hike planned for the day was to Bridal Veil Falls. I had the map and it said that the hike to the falls was a total of 2.1 miles. We set out along the route and found out that we were walking on gravel roads for most of the way. We did find a rock for Greg, but it was too big for the car.
We made it to the falls and a boy scout leader wanted to take us across below the falls to see some snakes. Some of the boy scouts were all wet so decided not to chance the trip. We found our own snake sunning on a log.

The trail had taken us to the bottom of the falls and we wanted to get to the top of the falls. In the past, people were able to drive under the falls and we wanted to get there. So the map was consulted and we thought we would be able to see the top of the falls from the trail named Bridal Overlook. It was a nice hike because it was mostly in the woods and it wasn't a road. It ended at the edge of a cliff with brush blocking any view of the falls. Discouraged and tired we started back. We stopped at Shelter Rock for a short rest. The thought of the wine just waiting for us at Kenmure kept us going. It took a lot more time than we expected to hike in and out.

1 comment:

Team Frys said...

Not interested in the snake picture at all. Was it a poisonous one? Good luck getting me to hike around there.

We haven't made any plans yet for Milly's birthday--I guess we're dragging our feet. We got another 2 inches of snow Thursday/Friday, but it's mostly melted now. People have really bruised spirits around town, so we need some sunshine!!
