Saturday, June 20, 2009

Excavation of Site

These pictures were taken on Friday evening. The driveway was roughed in and a rock base added to the top of the driveway. This will minimize erosion due to heavy rain. Camille is standing is the garage area. They plan on working this Saturday so they can finish excavating for the footings. Lot's of dirt still needs to be moved around or taken out.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Lot Cleared, Building is Started

The lot was cleared early this morning. Two large dump trucks hauled over 20 loads of the timber and stumps away. The surveyor then staked the lot and the excavator started digging the trenches for the footings. The house is larger than I expected. So much for reading the blueprints!!

The footings will be set-up next week and if the weather holds, some concrete may be poured. We are hopeful that every week goes as smooth as this one.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

More Clearing Pictures

The excavature is 90% complete in clearing the lot. He is estimating that there are 30+ dumptruck loads to remove the downed trees. It is hard to image the house fitting into this area. We measured the site versus the house plans and got a feel for how many more trees need to be removed so we have a good view west. The clearing of the site is scheduled to be finished on Monday. Next week they start doing a final measurement of the foundation and start to put up the footings. Once that is done, the house walls will be poured, followed by the basement floor.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Lot Clearing

Lot clearing started yesterday afternoon around 1:00pm. A large thunderstorm ended progress around 2:00pm. Today we went out at 8:30 and they were already working. The lot is about 30% cleared at this time.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

New Arrival

Today it finally came: Our new arrival. Camille will be the first to try it out on Saturday. I have to stay at home and meet with owner and get some work done. We are playing in our first Couples golf tournament on Sunday. The couple we are paired with, we have not met yet. We are looking forward to meeting them.

It is a rainy afternoon in Champion Hills. It is nice to sit on the covered deck and just do nothing. Temp's have been in the 80's this week. Everyone here is telling us that this is way above normal. Maybe global warming has come to North Carolina.