Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Roofing 90% Complete

We have had two dry and cool days. Mom and I have worked the past two evenings vacuuming up the water on the main and lower levels. In the lower level alone we vacuumed over 200 gallons of water up. Tomorrow, the framers should have the entire roof up and taped. This is a new taping system (offered by 3M) and is getting good reviews in the construction industry.

Next week the plumber and heating contractor start their rough in work. This is scheduled to last thru October. There will not be much to post, unless we start to backfill around the house. Due to the large amount of rain in the past week (over 8 inches), my large topsoil pile was reduced over four feet. It's washed down the hill! We are meeting tomorrow at the job site to discuss what to do.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Rain, Rain Go Away

After two straight weeks of rain, only limited progress to report. There was a break in the weather today, so the crew was back working on the roof. Based on the radar, a large storm system is moving into the area around dinner time. Just what we need: move water in the lower level. This morning there was over an inch, with no where to go, since the drains in the lower level are not functioning. Once the framers get the subroof on, the plumber starts to rough everything in on both levels.

Another problem we face is drainage around the house. The whole area is saturated and we are getting some erosion. The contractor is going to backfill, once we get a few dry days. The extended forecast shows another seven (7) days of rain.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Roofing Progress

After a week of wet weather, the framers worked Saturday and put up a few more rafters. Due to the complexity of the roof design, the task is taking 50% longer than a normal house. They hope to have all of the rafters up by next Friday. The long range forecast looks promising thru Wednesday, then it is forecasted to rain for four plus days.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Labor Day Couples Golf Event

Here is a picture of the couple that Camille and I teamed up with this past Monday. Brian and Valerie Fitzgerald are from the Chicago area and have lived here for the past several years. Brian is one of the better golfers at the Club, with a handicap of 4. On Monday, everyone contributed in the scramble, but Camille putted extremely well. Brian and I did not have to putt very often, since Camille or Valerie sank some long putts!!

The results speak for themselves: Overall Champions for 2009

Not bad, considering there were over 100 golfers participating. The handicap committee is now giving us static over our handicaps, since Mom and I have won three times this summer. We must play better under pressure !!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Good Weather = Good Progress

The skies have finally cleared and we are expecting good weather for the next few days. This is a blessing, since we have had rain everyday for the past four weeks. On Monday evening, it rained over 0.5 inches. Everything looks green and lush, but we need some dry weather this month. The carpenters plan on starting the roof next week if the weather holds.