Tuesday, April 22, 2008

BlueRidge Parkway

On Monday, April 21 we went to see several waterfalls. It was our objective this trip to see various waterfalls in the area. The waterfalls in the lower picture is a very small and we saw it from the road.

We hiked up a road, along side a stream to look at a waterfall noted on the literature we received from the Ranger station located in the Pisgah National Forest. If we would have hiked another 0.5 miles up the road we would have saw the waterfalls we were looking for. The rustic road was washed out at a bridge and we were concerned that the van would have planed out on the rocks.

We drove on the Blue Ridge Parkway and had excellent views of the area from various turnoffs. In a few days, with warmer weather, the trees will be fully leaved out and the area will be ready for a pre-summer period.

1 comment:

Team Frys said...

Milly thinks these pics are nice, but wants "to see Grandpa too!" The weather looks amazing - can't wait to visit all the places you've discovered.