Friday, April 4, 2008

Rain, Rain, Go Away

This past week we have experienced many cloudy, rain filled days. Everything has really greened up and the leaves are going to pop any day. The flowering fruit trees are still blooming, along with the daffodils, pansies, tulips, etc. The dogwood and other flowering varietals are expected to bloom when we have some sunshine. Hopefully, next week.

Here are pictures of the place we are staying in, along with some of the flowering trees on the property.


Team Frys said...

The flowers look great. We had sun and hit 60+ yesterday. I can see a few initial spikes of tulips and perennials in our garden. Milly spent the day at the zoo with Nana and Grandpa Frys and Justin and I cleaned the basement and garage. We've filled another dumpster! We complained that it was too hot outside. Joking, of course.

DaveG said...

Hopefully it's only raining in NC. We're getting up to 6 inches of snow today! Then by Monday it'll be in the 70's.