Monday, August 17, 2009

Champion Hills Member-Member Tournament

This past week I played in my first Member-Member golf tournament. This is the largest tournament the club has and ran from Thursday evening thru Sunday evening. Since I signed up late, I did not have a partner (2 man best ball format). The person the club paired me with got a stiff neck and packed out at the last minute. I met my new partner on Thursday evening at a pre-start dinner & drinks event. We played five (5) nine hole matches within our flight. On Sunday afternoon when we completed our fifth match, we were told that we won our flight and had to go to a shootout to determine the overall club champion. We lasted two playoff holes and ended up fourth overall (out of 36 teams), but first in our flight. I also got closet to the pin award for one of the par 3's, a 165 yard hole. My shot on Saturday ended up 26 inches from the pin. Too bad it did not go in !!

Here is picture of my partner and I at the awards dinner on Sunday evening.

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