Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Fireplace Stone

The fireplace is finally taking shape. They will start the hearth later this week when the weather turns from sunshine to rain. The interior doors were delivered today as well. We are storing them at our rental house since we are not ready to install them. Estimated date of install: mid-January. The last picture loaded (the first picture shown on the blog) is the concrete columns under the deck. We decided to have them faced with stone, rather than just leave bare concrete.

This will be the last post for 2009. We are spending the holidays in the Twin Cities, visiting family and friends. Hopefully there is lots of progress when we return in January, 2010!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Welcome !! Isla Anne Frys

Isla Anne Frys was born on November 30, 2009 at 10:45am. The proud parents, Michelle and Justin, told us the birth was "a piece of cake."

Isla weighed in at 6lb 15oz, and 20.5 inches. Michelle is doing great and plans on coming home on Wednesday morning.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving !

Today is a cool fall day with lots of sunshine. We went down and took some pictures of the stone progress. If the weather holds, they should be done by early next week.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

House Update

After a month of indoor activities, the exterior stone for the house was started on this past week. We are waiting on the mantel for the fireplace so the crew can complete the work. Once this is done the roofers can shingle around the fireplace opening. We are still getting large rainfalls and every time it rains we have lots of water in the house.

The electrical and plumbing rough in's are complete and the inspectors have passed all of the work so far. The framing inspection will be done next week.

If we get some dry weather, the roofing crew will start laying shingles. They say they need four days to complete the job.

Here are some photo's of the stone work. Looking forward to seeing everyone during the holidays.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Donated Large Rocks

Here are some of the large rocks that we gave to Champion Hills for an erosion project. We kept over 15 for landscaping, and still have around 30+ to move around our site. This is part of the rock we hit when we started digging for the foundation.

Windows are In

On Thursday, our windows arrived. The French Doors are still in manufacturing and should arrive at the end of October. The plumber has started his rough-in, the heating & air conditioning group starts this coming Monday, and the electrician starts the following week.

Weather has been cool and damp. Long range forecast is for more rain. This has been the wettest year they have had in western NC in the past five years.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Roofing 90% Complete

We have had two dry and cool days. Mom and I have worked the past two evenings vacuuming up the water on the main and lower levels. In the lower level alone we vacuumed over 200 gallons of water up. Tomorrow, the framers should have the entire roof up and taped. This is a new taping system (offered by 3M) and is getting good reviews in the construction industry.

Next week the plumber and heating contractor start their rough in work. This is scheduled to last thru October. There will not be much to post, unless we start to backfill around the house. Due to the large amount of rain in the past week (over 8 inches), my large topsoil pile was reduced over four feet. It's washed down the hill! We are meeting tomorrow at the job site to discuss what to do.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Rain, Rain Go Away

After two straight weeks of rain, only limited progress to report. There was a break in the weather today, so the crew was back working on the roof. Based on the radar, a large storm system is moving into the area around dinner time. Just what we need: move water in the lower level. This morning there was over an inch, with no where to go, since the drains in the lower level are not functioning. Once the framers get the subroof on, the plumber starts to rough everything in on both levels.

Another problem we face is drainage around the house. The whole area is saturated and we are getting some erosion. The contractor is going to backfill, once we get a few dry days. The extended forecast shows another seven (7) days of rain.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Roofing Progress

After a week of wet weather, the framers worked Saturday and put up a few more rafters. Due to the complexity of the roof design, the task is taking 50% longer than a normal house. They hope to have all of the rafters up by next Friday. The long range forecast looks promising thru Wednesday, then it is forecasted to rain for four plus days.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Labor Day Couples Golf Event

Here is a picture of the couple that Camille and I teamed up with this past Monday. Brian and Valerie Fitzgerald are from the Chicago area and have lived here for the past several years. Brian is one of the better golfers at the Club, with a handicap of 4. On Monday, everyone contributed in the scramble, but Camille putted extremely well. Brian and I did not have to putt very often, since Camille or Valerie sank some long putts!!

The results speak for themselves: Overall Champions for 2009

Not bad, considering there were over 100 golfers participating. The handicap committee is now giving us static over our handicaps, since Mom and I have won three times this summer. We must play better under pressure !!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Good Weather = Good Progress

The skies have finally cleared and we are expecting good weather for the next few days. This is a blessing, since we have had rain everyday for the past four weeks. On Monday evening, it rained over 0.5 inches. Everything looks green and lush, but we need some dry weather this month. The carpenters plan on starting the roof next week if the weather holds.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Progress Report

After a good rainstorm yesterday, the framing crew worked Saturday for four (4) hours. Some of the joists are up and most of the walls in the lower level are complete. By next weekend we should see the outline of the house taking place.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Walls Going Up

The framing crew, four (4) spanish speakers, showed up at the house at 8:15am. We went down at 5:10pm this evening and they were still working! This is something that we are not use to. Individuals who work a full day. The general contractor estimates that this crew will have the entire house framed, roof on, and ready for windows in less than four weeks.

Mom Win's Member-Member Tournament

Camille played in her first Member-Member Tournament and she and her partner won the overall championship. They competed against 21 teams, using a Stableford scoring system (points for par, birdie, eagle, etc.) and had the highest point total after two days of play.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Ready for Concrete !!

The lower level plumbing was completed this week. The concrete subcontractor leveled the lower level with gravel, put the reinforcing steel in place and put down a layer of 6 mil poly. We had a radon mitigation system installed under all of the concrete slabs. It is much cheaper to do it now, than to find out you have a problem and have to rectify at a later date. The kitchen area was also finalized, so if we have good weather on Monday they will start pouring the lower level, then the kitchen area, followed by the garage area. The concrete piers are part of our deck area.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Champion Hills Member-Member Tournament

This past week I played in my first Member-Member golf tournament. This is the largest tournament the club has and ran from Thursday evening thru Sunday evening. Since I signed up late, I did not have a partner (2 man best ball format). The person the club paired me with got a stiff neck and packed out at the last minute. I met my new partner on Thursday evening at a pre-start dinner & drinks event. We played five (5) nine hole matches within our flight. On Sunday afternoon when we completed our fifth match, we were told that we won our flight and had to go to a shootout to determine the overall club champion. We lasted two playoff holes and ended up fourth overall (out of 36 teams), but first in our flight. I also got closet to the pin award for one of the par 3's, a 165 yard hole. My shot on Saturday ended up 26 inches from the pin. Too bad it did not go in !!

Here is picture of my partner and I at the awards dinner on Sunday evening.

House Update

Progress on the house has been good. The plumber has installed the drainage pipes in the lower level, the hot/cold water and drainage pipes in the kitchen and powder room, and installed a radon mitigation system under all of the concrete slab areas.

We are still forming walls in part of the house and plan on pouring these at the end of this week. If we have good weather, the garage area, kitchen area, and lower level concrete slabs will be poured on Friday or Monday. We are keeping our fingers crossed for good weather.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

David & Melissa's Wedding

We had a wonderful time this past week in Colorado celebrating David and Melissa's wedding. It was held in Devil's Thumb Ranch, just outside of Winterpark, CO and the location was perfect. The weather was ideal: warm days and cool evenings. Besides the wedding activities, we golfed, hiked, visited with relatives and newfound friends. It was great getting to know Melissa's family and we look forward to seeing them again. We will be sending out a CD-ROM with all of our pictures.

Footings & Poured Walls

We returned home on Friday evening, July 24, and went to the lot on Saturday morning. There was good progress! We should be out of town more often. The footings and 80% of the walls have been poured. We still need small footings for the deck and the front porch area. This will be done once the waterproofing, drainage system, and backfilling are completed. Our neighbors were very impressed by the amount of hard work from this crew. This was nice to hear. We are looking forward to going to Minnesota in two weeks and coming back to see all of the progress!!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Footings Update

This has been a rather slow week for the company putting in the footers. I was with the contractor on Tuesday morning when he met with the people doing the work. The excavator did not clear all of the rock where the footings are to be placed. They are doing most of the rock breaking by using a pick axe and lots of manual labor. There is one ledge of rock that still remains in the way. Mom and I will take our tools down this weekend and see if we can break it up. This should save hours of labor.

We look forward to leaving for David's wedding on Tuesday. Maybe when we come back we will see some progress.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

July 4th Golf Tournament

Mom and I played in the July 4th Mixed Golf Tournament today. Based on our team handicap, we were assigned to the fourth flight. There were three other flights of golfers, comprising 32 teams.

The results are in: We won our flight !! Mom sunk a 35 foot putt on our last hole to give us a birdie and that was the stroke we needed to move into first.

Here are some pictures of us at the first hole. The couple we played with is Gloria and Alan Wasserman. A great couple from the New Jersey area who we met last fall.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Footings Started

The footings were started this week. I think the main contractor hired the turtle crew. They work about 2-3 hours a day, but always have time for a long lunch hour. The forms are suppose to be ready for concrete early next week.